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Idag så öppnade valparna ögonen. Dessutom var det kloklippardag (180 klor)

Här är en liten film från dag 10


Galleri Dag 6 klicka här......

Dag 6

Dag 5

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Dag 1

A total of 11 puppies, 6 females and 5 males were born. Unfortunately, one correct female was stillborn, but we still have 9 correct puppies in the box plus a large nice male with 1 extra crown.

Puppy weights 550-650 grams plus a strong boy of 250 grams.
Leilo is so peaceful and calm in the box and takes care of the little ones in the best possible way.

Many thanks to Marie Burkhardt for letting us use fantastic Bowie for this litter��



Dag 60








AfricanHunter's Kennel efter en grundmall från Webdesignskolan!